10 Best Attachments In Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2024)

A base weapon in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 can get the job done, but to keep up with other players, you'll need to load it with the best attachments available. With so many weapons in the game, there are even more attachments. Some are weapon-specific and others can be used universally.

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More often than not, attachments are chosen based on your play style. There's a good handful that you will want to keep an eye on no matter what, though. They are the hands-down best attachments in MW2 and will bolster your weapons to levels of greatness not achievable without them.

10 VX Pineapple

10 Best Attachments In Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (1)

The VX Pineapple is an under-barrel attachment in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. It is a universal attachment, meaning it can be used across all weapon platforms in the game. You'll unlock it once the 556 Icarus is leveled to 14.

The overall upgrade from the VX Pineapple is centered around aiming, and you'll lose a bit of speed when aiming down the sight or hip walking, but gain control elsewhere. Hip fire accuracy, hip recoil control, gun kick control, and aim walking steadiness all receive improvements.

9 .500 Snakeshot

10 Best Attachments In Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2)

Once you reach level 26 with the Basilisk handgun, you'll have yourself the .500 Snakeshot. This ammunition attachment is a dangerous one, and with universal use, you'll be ripping opponents to shreds from close range.

The .500 Snakeshot is described as providing the weapon with a small cartridge loaded with lead. It reduces the weapon's damage range and bullet velocity capabilities, but it spreads out and hurts as a shotgun would.

8 6.5mm Incendiary

10 Best Attachments In Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (3)

The TAQ-M is an accurate marksman rifle in MW2. Take it to the high level of 24, and you will unlock the 6.5mm Incendiary attachment, a universal attachment that utilizes the ammunition slot of the weapon.

The incendiary rounds are noticeably slower than regular ammo. Damage range, bullet velocity, and bullet penetration all take a hit, but the tradeoff sees increased vehicle damage and the added bonus of incendiary damage.

7 60 Round Mag

10 Best Attachments In Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (4)

You won't be able to use the 60 Round Mag on every weapon, as it is tied to specific weapon platforms, such as the M4. The M4 assault rifle is also the gun needed to unlock it, as you must reach level 17.

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As the name implies, the 60 Round Mag is a magazine attachment. It tanks mobility, with drops in ADS speed, movement speed, sprint-to-fire speed, and reload quickness.

What it does is provide 60 rounds per magazine. You'll be able to take out quite a few enemies without having to reload.

6 XTEN Grip

10 Best Attachments In Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (5)

You will easily unlock the XTEN Grip by bringing the FSS Hurricane to level five. This platform-specific rear grip attachment is one that you will need to add to a run-and-gun class on any available weapons.

The FSS Hurricane is a great example, as it is one of the best submachine guns in the game and the XTEN Grip makes you speedier. Recoil control goes down slightly, but ADS speed and sprint-to-fire speed buffs will ensure you're able to outgun the opposition in those surprise firefights.

5 1MW Laser Box

10 Best Attachments In Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (6)

Rarely will you see an MW2 attachment with zero negative effects. The 1MW Laser Box is one of those rare occasions.

The laser attachment can be used across all weapon platforms and unlocks when the M4 reaches level 12.

The attachment slaps a laser box onto the side of the gun and provides some accuracy and control. Hip fire accuracy and hip recoil control are increased, but when you are not aiming down the sights, players will see the laser from your weapon, so take that into account and go nuts with hip firing around tight angles.

4 Echoless-80

10 Best Attachments In Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (7)

After you grind your TAQ-56 to level 14, you'll want to put the Echoless-80 on a lot of weapons in Modern Warfare 2. This universal muzzle attachment is slower to aim with lowered ADS speed and aiming stability, and its two negatives are far outweighed by its four positives.

Related: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - All Handguns, Ranked

The weapon in which you place the Echoless-80 will receive boosts to damage range, recoil smoothness, and bullet velocity. On top of that, it is a silenced muzzle, suppressing the sound of your bullets.

You'll be picking opponents off from afar and they'll have no idea where you're coming from.

3 FSS Sharkfin 90

10 Best Attachments In Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (8)

The FSS Sharkfin 90 becomes available when you take the M4 assault rifle to level six. This is a universal, yet basic, under-barrel attachment and its usefulness cannot be understated. The Sharkfin is a well-founded angled grip that provides weapon accuracy.

There are no stat reductions with the attachment, and you'll find just one increase to aiming idle stability. While you are aiming down the sights with your gun, it will sway much less, allowing for more accurate first shots at an enemy.

2 Akimbo

10 Best Attachments In Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (9)

There are multiple Akimbo attachments in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, so we'll group them all here.

Each one is unlocked by taking the respective weapon the Akimbo attachment is for to a certain level. For example, the Akimbo X12 becomes available when the X12 is at level 19.

Each one provides a dual-wield version of the gun in question. Aiming down the sights is not available, lowering accuracy just a bit, but you'll get to fire two weapons at once, which means double the damage if you can figure out how to land the shots properly.

1 Cronen Mini Red Dot

10 Best Attachments In Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (10)

The Cronen Mini Red Dot is an optic attachment in MW2. There is a small ADS speed penalty, but it is more than worth it to add such a great optic to the weapon.

Unlock it with the FSS Hurricane at level three and you'll have the best attachment in the game.

It provides a precise sight picture for any gun, and it is also small enough that it won't obscure your field of view while your weapon rests at your hip. The Cronen Mini Red Dot quickly became the go-to optic in the game and will benefit you no matter the gun, the map, or the range you use it from.

Next: Hardest Achievements To Unlock In Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

10 Best Attachments In Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2024)


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